Online Format for Participants
Each participant will receive one 55 min Virtual lesson from Mark each day
Each participant will be able to watch the other lessons as they take place OR in their own time
Lesson recordings will be sent to you
+ Exclusive Q & A with Mark following your clinic (recording also available)
+ Lesson Notes from Mark specific to you
Time Zones
Lesson times will take place at times that allow for USA, UK and Australian countries to participate.
Spectators will be able to register to view the entire clinic live or to watch the recordings in their own time.
3 day clinic: 18-20 June 2025: Full for participants. Open for spectators – book below
2 day clinic: 23-24 June 2025: Open for participants and Spectators – book below
Technological Requirements
Participants will need blue-tooth headphones with a good range (check your range – it may be more than you realise; most reasonably priced bluetooth headphones have a good range)
Access to the internet where you train (4G or 5G)
A smart phone with a camera – either attached to a post or get someone to hold it (no pivo’s allowed)
Register as a Spectator for 3 day Online MLH Clinic
Train with Emotive Support
** FREE 7 day trial ** Cancel/ rejoin any time
+600 training videos
just AUD$20/ mth