
USA Clinics

Idaho – Minnesota – Kentucky – Oregon
– Florida 2025

Learn about Feel, Directing a Horse’s Thought,
+ Influencing a Mindset
+ Gain a Horse that is Easier to Train

Clinics offer insights into critical components of horse training that are usually overlooked. These Emotional Aspects are uncovered and explained for each horse on Mark’s clinics, as he reveals first the inhibitors to your horse learning and then how to improve its mindset. 

  • Gain Mark’s incredible insights into your horse
  • Understand how best to train your horse – how to keep it’s mind in the learning green zone
  • Mark will help you to see + reduce the brace + tension in your horse
  • Practical Techniques that will Improve your horse’s Emotional and Learning capacity 

"Mark's ability to identify what each horse and rider needed to work on was frankly amazing. The extent of changes we saw in the horses on the four day clinic literally blew everyone away." Lisa

"It’s like going to university and being taught by a gifted lecturer instead of going to primary school and learning by rote." Kylie

"All I can say is wow! We host a lot of clinics, but I have never before seen participants and fence sitters glued to the arena fence, not daring to wander off in case they missed something. Already we have filled the next clinic. Do yourself a favour and get to one of his clinics. Beg, borrow or steal a horse to take. It will change you." Karen

Clinic Format

All Mark Langley Horsemanship Clinics are taught through tailored, 1:1 lessons specific to you and your horse. Every horse (and person) has it’s own history and needs. Mark’s innate ability to understand this to a very deep level is worth witnessing. Clinics are strictly limited to 10 participants to ensure the best learning for you.

  • Morning and afternoon lessons
  • Watch and learn sessions in between your lessons that provide you with a greater understanding of the techniques Mark uses and what he is looking for
  • Suitable for any horse and any discipline – Mark is addressing the cracks in your horse’s understanding, learning, and emotional regulation. Fix these and you get a horse that is far more responsive, willing, softer and safer – a goal that aids each of us.
  • Groundwork or ridden work sessions – non riding horses also welcome at the clinics


"His steering and backup are much softer and more responsive, and we don't lose forward anymore when I turn a corner.  He also doesn't stare off into the distance as much. I just wanted to say thank you so much for the push in the right direction.  I feel like I have a better ability to understand the nuances in Noah's behaviour, which has allowed me to think differently about how I behave also. 
Every ride now is genuinely enjoyable without the frustrating moments we had before, and I can tell Noah is having a better time as well." Caitlin

"Murphy and myself were at your recent clinic held and I wanted to thank you for getting us back on track. It has only been 5 days since we returned home but there has been at huge change in Murphy, mostly due to my new approach, “it’s not personal”...He is already less confused by my behaviour/body language and happier and more relaxed around me with a lot fewer cranky faces. I was not enjoying my time with him at all to the point I was thinking of finding him a new home but now I am looking forward to bringing him back into ridden work and achieving some goals." Karen

"I'm still buzzing from insights gained at Mark's clinic last weekend. It's so refreshing to have a clinician so dedicated to helping horses and their people. Mark's ability to observe what's needed and skill to impart his knowledge and experience is exceptional. I've attended many clinics run by successful horsemen and women here and overseas. Mark is the first one I've seen who offers something original in over 40 years. Best yet...it works." Judy

The next USA Tour is now locked in!

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USA Tour 2025

Location Date Clinic Details Places Left Book/Find out More
Okeechobee, Florida, USA 3-6 May 4 day horsemanship clinic Train with Mark Langley! 1:1 tailored tuition specific to your horses' emotional needs. Make effective change by supporting and improving your horse's learning capacity. Clinic arranged by Stephany Crossman. Venue: 27328 NW 256th St, Okeechobee, Florida, 34972. Places limited! Open for bookings now!


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Shelbyville, Kentucky USA 9-12 May 2025 4 day clinic Train with Mark Langley! 1:1 tailored tuition specific to your horses' emotional needs. Make effective change by supporting and improving your horse's learning capacity. Clinic arranged by Kelly Engelhart. Venue: 317 Clore Jackson Rd, Shelbyville, KY, 40065. Places limited! Call Kelly 419-265-7087 Open for bookings now!


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Rochester, Minnesota USA 15-18 May 4 day horsemanship clinic Train with Mark Langley! 1:1 tailored tuition specific to your horses' emotional needs. Make effective change by supporting and improving your horse's learning capacity. Clinics arranged by Julie Christie/ Suzy FitzSimmons. 28-30 June clinic. Places limited! Open for bookings now!


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Redmond, Oregon USA 22-25 May 2025 4 day clinic Train with Mark Langley! 1:1 tailored tuition specific to your horses' emotional needs. Make effective change by supporting and improving your horse's learning capacity. Clinics arranged by Binny Skidgel. Places limited! ph (541) 420-5189 Open for bookings now!


Phone Host to Contact
Driggs, Idaho USA 28 May -1 June 2025 5 day horsemanship clinic Train with Mark Langley! 1:1 tailored tuition specific to your horses' emotional needs. Make effective change by supporting and improving your horse's learning capacity. Clinic arranged by Julie Martin. Venue: 308 Teton Saddleback Vistas Drive, Driggs Idaho 83422. Places limited!

FULL – contact Julie to be a reserve

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About Mark

To read more about Mark’s background
+ philosophy that guides his training use the link below

  • Teaches in USA, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Australia UK
  • Presenter at Equitana Australia events
  • Presenter at Equidays New Zealand
  • Featured in Award Winning Film Listening to the Horse
  • Presenter of weekly Horsemanship Podcast
  • 100K + social media followers
  • Professional horse trainer for 20+ years, taking on all horses for starting for over a decade, which included many wild, unhandled and older, highly nervous horses
  • Nationally selected to train wild horses for Royalty
  • Feature Presenter for the Arabian Jackpot Show

Learn More

Listen to Mark’s Podcast

Answering REAL horse-related questions, Mark’s podcast
offers a fresh perspective into Horsemanship Solutions
whilst explaining the psychology behind
what horses need and do and what they need from us.

A great way to learn more about Mark’s deep understanding of horses

Listen to the Podcast

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