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Understanding body control through rein positions and how to Create Perpetual Motion
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Helping a horse who is over sensitive to legs to trust the legs
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Helping a lethargic horse who doesn't pick it's feet up through the legs and rein to improve balance and awareness.
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Helping this worried horse to relax and become more aware of us as we work on our grounding.
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In depth ideas for improving accuracy in leading exercises
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How to teach a previously shut down horse that now can be reluctant or difficult sometimes; and advice for a rescue horse who rears and strikes randomly
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Advice for a horse that won't take a single step backwards; training advice for a horse that runs back to the barn with its owner; and rugging tips
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Explanations + training tips for a previously shut down horse that now stops randomly and freezes; a competition horse that hops in the trot; and a horse that can't keep a straight line
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Advice to help with the retraining of an OTT STB who doesn't like spray or hoses; and for a pony that spins and bolts when something comes towards her. Understanding the needs of these reactions which can be defensive aggressive (fight) or flight. Plus when to retire a horse.
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