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Turning Stress into a Softening: How we can educate horses to manage themselves especially for situations we cannot recreate at home (like a race or a big event). Insights into how this training has effected his young horses. Plus Training advice for a horse that is sensitive to movement from above and behind.
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Helping a young horse go faster into forward but without resistance and brace; and advice for a horse that is learning collection and elevation but still has a tight jaw.
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Help for an ex barrel racing mare that now falls apart when asked to trot; and for an older rescue mare who struggles with strange people
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Is it better to Expose Young Minds? How to Make Training Positive? Advice for what to do bringing a horse back into work; and can an older horses habit's be changed?
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When to use a flag and for what purpose; how to get past common problems (unreactive/ aggressive) when the flag doesn't seem to work; why the flag can help IF used in the right way
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What you can do when your horse isn't happy about being caught or is starting to show signs of aggression/ changes between being at liberty to being in a halter
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Advice for when to start to add leg for forward; how to get forward in the long reins; how to help prepare a horse for eye ointment and how to help a horse afraid of the curtain closing in a trailer.
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First part in a follow up lesson from a previously very rushy horse that came to a longer clinic. Working on getting a forward thought; with exercises that you can try to improve flow.
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This horse is heavy on his forehand when the rein is released. This lesson shows how to create life and balance in the inside turning rein. Also releasing with accuracy and flow rather than jumping out of a turn.
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Highlighting tackling the first of the red flags affecting this horse: freeze. A look at helping him to search which leads to unlocking him in the freeze. In depth commentary.
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This weeks Q & A: Advice for a 16yr old horse who fights in the bit & gets racey; a 10yr old who can’t back up softly; a horse that gets anxious in the arena but not a forest; and a horse that won’t wait quietly in a trailer.
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